Mission & Vision

Welcome Statement

Calvary United Methodist Church believes that all means all. We open our hearts, our minds and our doors to all our neighbors. We gladly invite into our shared life all persons who seek a community of support where they can grow in God’s grace. Regardless of your race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, relationship status, or background – you are God’s beloved, and you are welcome here.

Our Mission

A church Mission Statement defines the leadership's vision of congregational purpose and tells you if their vision is in line with God's purposes for your life.

Calvary United Methodist Church’s mission is to embrace the diverse community of people searching for truth, love, and acceptance with God’s help.

Our Vision

A Vision Statement helps congregations acknowledge their past (who they were when they were established), identify their present (who they are now), and prepare for their future (who the church wants to be one, three, or five years from now). A Vision always looks forward, to what can be.

We will grow our family of faith to embrace all people. We will develop ministries that nurture and encourage all people to discover and use their spiritual gifts on a journey of faith to serve the community and world.